Add a letter, whether same or different, to each of the seven sets of letters below, so that each set can be anagrammed into the name of a country.
1) I U S N T A
2) I U S A T A
3) B E N O N A
4) R E D K M N
5) L A S G N E
6) C R E D O U
7) I N R I E A
Bonus Question: The seven letters, which are added, can be together anagrammed into the name of a country. What is it?
***Adapted from a problem appearing in "Test of Reasoning 4" by Philip J. Carter and Ken A. Russell.
1 ( ? ) i
2 Austria r
3 Lebanon l
4 Denmark a
5 Senegal e
6 Ecuador a
7 Nigeria g
irlaeag -> Algeria
If there were a typo, and the 1st entry began with "o e" not "i u",
we would have:
O E S N T A + I = Estonia
Edited on January 17, 2022, 11:24 am