The population of town A is 20,000 people. 2% of them are one legged and wear only 1 shoe each.
Half of the rest goes barefoot while the other part wears one pair of shoes each.
The neighboring town B has 25% one legged people and the rest is 37.5% barefooted and 37.5 normal-wear people.
Given that the quantity of 20,000 shoes accommodates Town B what is its population?
Please ignore the subject of left/right , sizes etc
Since there are equal numbers of bare-foot and normal-wear people, there is an average of one shoe per person.
So in town B, 20,000 shoes should be enough for a town of 20,000 people.
It isn't asked but the 10,000 people in town A would require 10,000 shoes.
Posted by Jer
on 2022-02-02 14:29:32 |