sun amnesia" is an anagram of a valid 10-letter English word, somewhat esoteric.
Provide both the word and its meaning.
(In reply to
Puzzle Solution_Trivia: Origin of the Word by K Sengupta)
In the Bible, the apostle Paul is shown as the author of the Book of Romans. However, at the end of the book, Tertius of Iconium describes himself as the scribe who wrote the book.
A similar semantic evolution occurred at the French royal court, where the secretaire de la main roi; originally a lowly clerk specializing in producing, at royal command, the Sovereign's signature on more documents than he cared to put his pen to, developed into the secretaire d'etat, the first permanent portfolio ministers, to which the British Secretaries of State would be the counterpart.
SOURCE: Wikipedia
Edited on February 19, 2022, 2:10 am