A well-known phrase:
6 2 2/3
→ 7 - E & 7/8 ←
8 15/7
The right arrow points to 7, which is a prime.
Then, we have: PRIME - E = PRIM
Now, the other numbers appearing on the left half are:
6=2*3, so 6 is a semi-prime
8= 2^3, so 8 is a cube
Appearance of a semi-prime and a cube, both non primes, bolsters the case for PRIM.
The left arrow points to 7/8, which is a PROPER fraction
The other numbers appearing in the right half are :
2 2/3, which is a mixed fraction
15/7, which is an improper fraction.
Since all three numbers are fractions, from the central cell in the right half we must have:
PROPER fraction - fraction = PROPER
Now, the symbol & appears at the center and, we know that in most of the instances & denotes "AND".
Consequently, the required solution of the rebus is PRIM AND PROPER.
Edited on April 13, 2022, 2:50 am