If each letter has a value (a=1, b=2, c=3 etc.) what words have a total letter value of exactly 100 when you add up all of the letters?
Are there any words that equal 100 if the letter values are swapped (z=1, y=2.....a=26)?
(In reply to
re(2): challenge by fwaff)
A modification to use the word "and" shows that 251 and 259 are the only two that now produce a value equal to themselves. The modified ProcPiece subroutine is:
SUB ProcPiece (piece$, MajorPower)
piece = VAL(piece$)
n$ = ""
IF piece > 99 THEN
n$ = unit$(piece \ 100) + " hundred "
piece = piece MOD 100
IF piece > 0 THEN n$ = n$ + "and "
IF piece > 19 THEN
n$ = n$ + ten$(piece \ 10)
piece = piece MOD 10
IF piece > 0 THEN n$ = n$ + "-": ELSE n$ = n$ + " "
IF piece > 0 THEN n$ = n$ + unit$(piece) + " "
IF n$ > "" THEN name$ = n$ + major$(MajorPower) + " " + name$
Posted by Charlie
on 2003-07-18 10:02:14 |