Name a world capital. It's an older way of spelling the name.
Drop three letters, and the remaining letters, in order, will name
another world capital.
Both cities have more than a million residents.
What cities are these?
DJAKARTA (or, Jakarta) => Capital if Indonesia (in Asia)
DJAKARTA - JTA => DAKAR => Capital of Senegal (in Africa)
According to Wikipedia
Population of Jakarta (or, Djakarta) = 10,562,088 as of 2022
Population of Dakar proper = 1,030,594 as of 2021
Population of Dakar metropolitan = 3.94 million (estimated) as of 2021
Consequently, the two cities are: DJAKARTA (or, Jakarta) and DAKAR.
Edited on June 9, 2022, 10:43 pm