Find this 9-letter word starting with chutzpa' containing a male name and terminating with attempt, .
Hint: only 7 distinct letters are used.
We know, that Allan is given Male name.
Now, we observe that, Merriam-Webster Thesaurus gives:
gall --> a synonym of chutzpah
try --> a synonym of attempt
Accordingly, in consonance with the given clues, we must have:
gall + Allan + try => gall + (All)an+ try => gallantry
Consequently, the required word is "gallantry"
Note: Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides the following meanings of "gallantry":
1. archaic : gallant appearance.
2 a: an act of marked courtesy
b: courteous attention to a lady.
c: amorous attention or pursuit.
3: spirited and conspicuous bravery.
Of these, (3) is the most common meaning in English language.
Edited on June 19, 2022, 12:11 am