The word orDINARy contains dinar, Jordan’s present currency, sKIPper contains kip (Laos) and inSOMnia som (Uzbekistan).
Compile a list of English words of similar structure i.e. claiming a valid currency’s name within it, neither in the beginning nor in the end.
Thus RANDom or erRAND would not make the list, but gRANDma
would be OK.
Finding more than one contender for a certain currency - please submit the shorter word.
We will NOT use any proper names.We will also avoid the currencies generating exactly one word.
i) kip--> monetary unit of Laos
--> skipped, skips, skipper qualifies the shortest of which is skips.
ii) loti --> monetary unit of the kingdom of Lesotho.
--> zloties, flotilla, helotism, piloting, psilotic qualifies, the shortest of which is zloties.
iii) cedi --> monetary unit of Ghana.
--> acedia and acceding qualifies, the shorter of which is acedia.
iv) dollar --> Mainly U.S. currency used for international trading. However, countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada have their own version of dollar as a monetary unit.
iv) lev--> monetary unit of Bulgaria
--> At least six words qualify, the shortest of which is clevis.
Meanings of uncommon words
--> acedia => apathy, boredom (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
--> clevis => a U-shaped or forked metal connector to which another part can be fastened by means of a bolt or pin passing through the ends of the connector. (Oxford languages).
--> lev--> The name of the currency is derived from Old Bulgarian "lev" meaning "lion". The word "lion" in Modern Bulgarian is "lav".(online sources)
--> zloties --> plural of zloty, the standard monetary unit of Poland.
Edited on June 26, 2022, 11:29 pm