ashier, auteurs, Brazil, cesspit, chancre, hole, iteming & roving were created from 8 words, members of a larger set, by applying the same routine transformation to each of them.
What is this routine transformation?
To what set do the original words
Please complete this set.
Precisely one letter is added to the larger set and the smaller set is obtained by amagramming the resultant characters as follows:
Aries + h --> aries--> ashier
Taurus + e --> tauruse --> auteurs
LIbra + z --> libraz --> Brazil
Pisces + t --> piscest --> cesspit
Cancer + h --> cancerh -> chancre
Leo + h --> leoh --> hole
Gemini + t --> geminit --> iteming
Virgo + n --> virgon --> roving
8 out of 12 titles from the larger set is used, which comprises 8 Astrological signs in accordance with Western culture.
The signs missing from the larger set are:
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Edited on June 30, 2022, 10:12 pm