Darren has 16 motorbikes with a tank that has a capacity to go 100 miles (when the tank is full).
→ All the motorbikes are initially fully fueled.
→ Each start from the same point.
→ Each bike has a rider on it.
Using these 16 motorbikes optimally, determine the maximum distance that Darren can travel.
It is not necessary for all the bikers to reach at that final point.
After some thought, the method I described in a previous comment seems equivalent to the following:
Assume Darren is Bike #1.
Send each bike (n = 2 through 16) out to the 50, 75, 87.5, 93.75, ... (1-(1/2)^(n-1))*100 miles.
As Darren reaches each of the bikes (n= 2 to 16) in turn, he has just enough room in his tank to take all the remaining fuel from bike "n" and have a full tank. If I did the math correctly, Darren could get to 199 + 32767/32768 miles, or, 16.11 feet short of 200 miles.
Posted by Kenny M
on 2022-12-27 08:44:16 |