___ ___
Art has four self-portraits on | 1 | | 2 |
display in his house, each |___| |___|
depicting him in a different ___ ___
location. | 3 | | 4 |
|___| |___|
Given the following:
- Painting #1 is not in oils.
- Painting #2 shows Art either hang gliding or on a motorcycle.
- The painting of Art next to a windmill is done either in acrylics or tempera paints.
- Art's hang gliding picture and the one done in tempera paints are in different rows.
- The painting of Art surfing (which is not done in acrylics) is above the watercolor.
Find out what each painting depicts the medium Art used to paint each.
Painting. Medium Art
--------------. ------------------
#1 surfing temperas
#2 motorcycle oils
#3 hang gliding watercolors
#4 windmill acrylics