"SUIT OUT DEET" is an anagram of a 11-letter semi-archaic single English word, which may include space/spaces.
Determine the word and provide its meaning.
*** Space/spaces do not contribute to the word's length.
While coming from the French, it's in the OED:
c. tout de suite [de suite in sequence] , at once, immediately; cf. toot sweet adv.
1895 E. Dowson Let. c13 Nov. (1967) 319 If you see Moore tell him that I am writing tout de suite.
1971 Ink 12 June 14/3 Some of the underwriters quietly told their clients to resell their shares tout-de-suite.
In the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, there's a candy called Toot Sweets, the candy you whistle, the whistle you eat -- hard candy in the form of a whistle.
Edited on February 1, 2023, 9:38 am
Posted by Charlie
on 2023-01-31 10:38:12 |