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Numbered Words (Posted on 2011-11-04) |
Suppose A=1, B=2, C=3, ..., Z=26. Then, ETUDE is an interesting word. It has 5 letters, it starts and ends with the 5th letter of the alphabet, and E+T+U+D+E=5+20+21+4+5=55. What other words both start and end with the Xth letter of the alphabet and add up to XX, where X is the number of letters in the word and XX is X concatenated with X? (For ETUDE, X=5.)
| Comment 9 of 10 |
Where is their secure version of the website. They have shifted to how-to-create-an-electronic-signature-without-a-pdf-editor and this is a cause of concern for me. They should advertise the https one considering how paranoid people can get.
Posted by Cecilia
on 2023-05-29 04:51:36 |
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