One such alphabetic layout is as follows:
The cursor always starts at A before the first letter of the word is typed. There is no wrap-around, so you can't go from A to Y in one step, nor from X to U in one step, and you can't go down from W or X, or right from Z.
Typing THIRTY using the above layout requires 30 button presses: DDDDRRR=UUU=LLLD=DDR=RR=LLLDD=, here using the = to represent Enter, and initial letters to represent Up, Down, Left, Right.
Suppose a different DVR has a different number of letters in each row. Using that DVR, with more letters per row, the word LOW can be typed in 12 or fewer button presses. On this same DVR, there are three number words (such as EIGHT, EIGHTEEN or EIGHTY, but those are just examples, not the answer) which also require 12 or fewer button presses each.
How many letters are there on a line on this other DVR, and what are the three numbers that can be spelled with 12 or fewer button presses each?