There are six villages along the coast of the only perfectly round island in the known universe. The villages are evenly distributed along the coastline so that the distance between any two neighboring coastal villages is always the same. There is an absolutely straight path through the jungle connecting every pair of villages. These paths create thirteen crossings in the interior of the island, one of which is in the middle of the island where paths from every village meet.
The island has a strange courtship custom. Before a father will give permission for his daughter to marry, her suitor must bring the father a fish each day until he has traveled by every route from his village to the father's village. The young man only travels along routes where he is always getting closer to his destination. The young man may visit other villages along the way.
On April 1, father's three sons come to tell him of their intent to woo a bride, each from a different village. The brides' villages are the first three villages encountered when traveling clockwise around the island.
If the sons begin their courtship today and the couples are married on the day following each son's last trip, what are the three wedding dates?
Bonus Question: If the coastline of the island is ten miles long, how long is the longest route that any of the sons takes to reach their betrothed's village?
It hard to show my solution.
What I did was draw a regular hexagon with all diagonals. This creates a graph with 19 nodes and a bunch of edges. Mark each edge with an arrow to create a directed graph.
Mark the target with 1 and every other node, working away from the target with the sum of the nodes that it points to.
The nodes around the edges are then numbered 1, 5, 41, 121, 41, 5
The dates can easily be computed.
I haven't found the longest path.
Posted by Jer
on 2024-02-06 15:23:16 |