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Knight's Tour (Posted on 2003-08-21) Difficulty: 5 of 5
Taking a 4 by 5 grid, How many possible Knight's tours are there starting in the upper left corner and ending in the lower right? (Reflections and rotations don't count)

(A Knight's move is as in chess, an L shaped move, 2 squares in one direction and 1 square in the other direction.)

A Knight's tour is visiting every square once and only once (and the square you start on is considered "visited" for these problems)

See The Solution Submitted by Gamer    
Rating: 4.2500 (4 votes)

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Solution solution | Comment 1 of 4
There are 12 ways altogether of making a knight's tour starting at the upper left corner and going to the lower right corner. The specification of the starting and ending positions as well as the non-square rectangular shape of the board prevent there being variations that are strict reflections or rotations of the board.

However, there is another symmetry involved: ten of the twelve ways consist of five pairs that are the reverse of one another. That is, if the path taken by the knight is retraced backwards from the end to the beginning, but considering the board rotated 180 degrees, the result is the other solution of the pair. If those are counted as being mere reflections, then the number of possible "ways" goes down to 7. Two ways are their own rotated reverse, and five pairs are mutual rotated reverses.

On the below list, the squares are marked with the order in which the knight occupies the square. The solutions are numbered. A solution which is the rotated reverse of a previous solution is marked also with which numbered solution it is the reverse of. The two solutions that are their own rotated reverse are marked with an asterisk.

The list is:

1 18 3 14 7
4 13 8 19 10 1
17 2 11 6 15
12 5 16 9 20
1 18 3 14 7
10 13 6 19 4 2
17 2 11 8 15
12 9 16 5 20
1 18 9 14 5
8 13 4 19 10 3
17 2 11 6 15
12 7 16 3 20
1 18 5 14 7
10 13 8 19 4 4
17 2 11 6 15
12 9 16 3 20
1 18 5 14 9
6 11 8 19 4 5 *
17 2 13 10 15
12 7 16 3 20
1 12 5 16 9
6 15 10 19 4 6 rev 1
11 2 13 8 17
14 7 18 3 20
1 12 5 16 9
6 17 10 13 4 7
11 2 19 8 15
18 7 14 3 20
1 18 5 14 9
6 15 10 19 4 8 rev 3
11 2 17 8 13
16 7 12 3 20
1 18 5 12 9
6 15 10 19 4 9 rev 4
17 2 13 8 11
14 7 16 3 20
1 16 5 12 9
6 13 10 19 4 10 rev 2
17 2 15 8 11
14 7 18 3 20
1 18 7 14 3
6 13 2 19 10 11 rev 7
17 8 11 4 15
12 5 16 9 20
1 12 7 16 3
6 17 2 11 8 12 *
13 10 19 4 15
18 5 14 9 20


The program to produce this is:
DECLARE SUB showSoln ()
DECLARE SUB nextMove (soFar!, row!, col!)
DIM SHARED maxRow, maxCol, lastMove, tot
maxRow = 4: maxCol = 5
lastMove = maxRow * maxCol

DIM SHARED board(maxRow, maxCol)
DIM SHARED hist(100, maxRow, maxCol)
board(1, 1) = 1

OPEN "kngttour.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
nextMove 1, 1, 1 ' 1 move so far, at 1,1



SUB nextMove (soFar, row, col)
  newMove = soFar + 1
  FOR r = row - 2 TO row + 2 STEP 4
   IF r > 0 AND r <= maxRow THEN
    FOR c = col - 1 TO col + 1 STEP 2
      IF c > 0 AND c <= maxCol THEN
        IF board(r, c) = 0 THEN
          board(r, c) = newMove
          IF newMove = lastMove THEN
           IF r = maxRow AND c = maxCol THEN
             tot = tot + 1
           END IF
           nextMove newMove, r, c
          END IF
          board(r, c) = 0
        END IF
      END IF
  FOR r = row - 1 TO row + 1 STEP 2
   IF r > 0 AND r <= maxRow THEN
    FOR c = col - 2 TO col + 2 STEP 4
      IF c > 0 AND c <= maxCol THEN
        IF board(r, c) = 0 THEN
          board(r, c) = newMove
          IF newMove = lastMove THEN
           IF r = maxRow AND c = maxCol THEN
             tot = tot + 1
           END IF
           nextMove newMove, r, c
          END IF
          board(r, c) = 0
        END IF
      END IF

SUB showSoln
  FOR r = 1 TO maxRow
   FOR c = 1 TO maxCol
    hist(tot, r, c) = board(r, c)
  FOR r = 1 TO maxRow
    FOR c = 1 TO maxCol
      PRINT #1, USING \"###\"; board(r, c);
    IF r = INT(maxRow / 2) THEN
      PRINT #1, USING \"####\"; tot;
      FOR i = 1 TO tot
        Rev = 1
        FOR cChk = 1 TO maxCol
          FOR rChk = 1 TO maxRow
            IF board(rChk, cChk) + hist(i, maxRow - rChk + 1, maxCol - cChk + 1) <> lastMove + 1 THEN
              Rev = 0
              EXIT FOR
            END IF
          IF Rev = 0 THEN EXIT FOR
        IF Rev THEN EXIT FOR
      IF Rev THEN
        IF i = tot THEN
         PRINT #1, " *";
         PRINT #1, " rev"; i;
        END IF
      END IF
    END IF
    PRINT #1,
  PRINT #1, STRING$(maxCol * 3, "-")

  Posted by Charlie on 2003-08-21 08:56:00
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