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Five Letters Minus Two Consecutive Letters (Posted on 2024-05-22) Difficulty: 3 of 5
The following was originally a list of five-letter words, but in each case two consecutive letters(though never the first two) were removed.
The 26 missing letters are all different.
      A  N  T
      A  S  S
      B  A  Y
      C  O  Y
      D  I  M
      E  E  L
      F  A  R
      M  A  R
      P  I  E
      S  E  E
      T  I  E
      T  O  P
      W  I  N
Determine the original list.

No Solution Yet Submitted by K Sengupta    
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re: Table of word/letter pair values -- by group Comment 2 of 2 |
(In reply to Table of word/letter pair values -- may be of use by Charlie)

agent ant ge  
alant ant la  
ament ant me  
anent ant ne  
anent ant en  
angst ant gs  
antae ant ae  
antas ant as  
anted ant ed  
antes ant es  
antic ant ic  
antis ant is  
antra ant ra  
antre ant re  
antsy ant sy  
avant ant va  

abyss ass by  
amass ass ma  
amiss ass mi  
ascus ass cu  
ashes ass he  
askos ass ko  
aspis ass pi  
assai ass ai  
assay ass ay  
assed ass ed  
asses ass se  
asses ass es  
asset ass et  

baddy bay dd  
baddy bay dd  
badly bay dl  
baffy bay ff  
baffy bay ff  
baggy bay gg  
baggy bay gg  
baldy bay ld  
balky bay lk  
bally bay ll  
bally bay ll  
balmy bay lm  
bandy bay nd  
banty bay nt  
barky bay rk  
barmy bay rm  
barny bay rn  
bassy bay ss  
bassy bay ss  
batty bay tt  
batty bay tt  
bawdy bay wd  
bawty bay wt  
bayed bay ed  
bayou bay ou  
belay bay el  
byway bay yw  

coaly coy al  
cobby coy bb  
cobby coy bb  
cocky coy ck  
colly coy ll  
colly coy ll  
comfy coy mf  
commy coy mm  
commy coy mm  
coney coy ne  
conky coy nk  
cooey coy oe  
cooky coy ok  
cooly coy ol  
corby coy rb  
corky coy rk  
corny coy rn  
cosey coy se  
covey coy ve  
cowry coy wr  
coyed coy ed  
coyer coy er  
coyly coy yl  
coyly coy ly  
coypu coy pu  
cozey coy ze  

denim dim en  
dimer dim er  
dimes dim es  
dimly dim ly  

easel eel as  
excel eel xc  
expel eel xp  

facer far ce  
fader far de  
faker far ke  
fakir far ki  
faqir far qi  
farad far ad  
farce far ce  
farci far ci  
farcy far cy  
fards far ds  
fared far ed  
farer far re  
farer far er  
fares far es  
farle far le  
farls far ls  
farms far ms  
faros far os  
farts far ts  
favor far vo  
feuar far eu  
filar far il  
friar far ri  

macer mar ce  
major mar jo  
makar mar ak  
makar mar ka  
maker mar ke  
malar mar al  
malar mar la  
manor mar no  
march mar ch  
marcs mar cs  
mares mar es  
marge mar ge  
maria mar ia  
marks mar ks  
marls mar ls  
marly mar ly  
marry mar ry  
marse mar se  
marsh mar sh  
marts mar ts  
marvy mar vy  
maser mar se  
mater mar te  
mayor mar yo  
mazer mar ze  
molar mar ol  

piece pie ec  
piece pie ce  
piers pie rs  
pieta pie ta  
piety pie ty  
pique pie qu  
piste pie st  
pixie pie ix  
pixie pie xi  
pyxie pie yx  

saree see ar  
scree see cr  
sedge see dg  
seeds see ds  
seedy see dy  
seeks see ks  
seels see ls  
seely see ly  
seems see ms  
seeps see ps  
seepy see py  
seers see rs  
segue see gu  
seine see in  
seise see is  
seize see iz  
selle see ll  
selle see ll  
sense see ns  
sente see nt  
serge see rg  
serve see rv  
setae see ta  
siree see ir  
spree see pr  
sycee see yc  

tawie tie aw  
tiers tie rs  
tilde tie ld  
tinge tie ng  
tithe tie th  
title tie tl  
titre tie tr  
towie tie ow  

topaz top az  
toped top ed  
topee top ee  
topee top ee  
toper top er  
topes top es  
tophe top he  
tophi top hi  
tophs top hs  
topic top ic  
topis top is  
topoi top oi  
topos top os  
troop top ro  

widen win de  
wigan win ga  
wince win ce  
winch win ch  
winds win ds  
windy win dy  
wined win ed  
wines win es  
winey win ey  
wings win gs  
wingy win gy  
winks win ks  
winos win os  
winze win ze  
witan win ta  
wizen win ze  

Edited on May 22, 2024, 9:27 am
  Posted by Charlie on 2024-05-22 09:21:52

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