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Functional composition equation (Posted on 2024-05-30) Difficulty: 3 of 5


No Solution Yet Submitted by Danish Ahmed Khan    
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Some Thoughts Graphical solution | Comment 1 of 2
Graphically, plotting LHS and RHS separately shows an intersection at (2,64).
And plugging x=2 clearly shows it is a solution.

Hand waving argument that there is only one solution:
The derivative of the LHS is always greater than or equal to 0, so LHS is strictly increasing.
The RHS is an even function which is strictly increasing for x>0.

The RHS minimum value occurs when x=0 and which evaluates to about 42.5 when x=0.
THe LHS is about 42.5 when x is about 1.95 so we can ignore all x values less than 1.95
Above x=2, the LHS is increasing approaching x^9 whereas the RHS is increasing approaching x^(8/3), so it is unlikely they will intersect a second time.

  Posted by Larry on 2024-05-30 16:12:05
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