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A point in a hexagon (Posted on 2024-06-03) Difficulty: 3 of 5
The distances from a certain point inside a regular hexagon to three of its consecutive vertices are equal to 1, 1 and 2, respectively. Find the length of this hexagon's side.

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If the side is length s:

1 = 1+s^2 - 2*s*cos(a1)

where a1 is the angle at the middle vertex within the smaller formed triangle.

In the larger triangle is angle a2, the other portion of the full 120° angle of the middle of the three vertices:

2^2 = 1 + s^2 - 2*s*cos(a2)

The respective formulae give:

cos(a1) = (1+s^2-1) / (2*s) = s/2

cos(a2) = (1+s^2-4) / (2*s) = (s^2-3)/(2*s)

Then a1 + a2 must equal 120°.

for s=1.7320508075688:.000000000000001:1.73205082
  fprintf('%16.14f %17.15f\n',s,a1+a2)
  if a1+a2<120

is the final stage of the program seeking this equality, and the last two output lines are

      s               a1 + a2

1.73205080756888 120.000000000000028
1.73205080756888 119.999999999999943

Wolfram Alpha identifies 1.73205080756888 as sqrt(3).

  Posted by Charlie on 2024-06-03 09:57:55
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