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Home > Just Math > Calculus
Divide by 2 indefinitely, get result (Posted on 2024-06-11) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A student John starts with the familiar series 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + . . . .

He then takes the average of each adjacent pair of terms and inserts it between the terms to obtain the new series 1 + 3/4 + 1/2 + 3/8 + 1/4 + . . . .

He divides this by two, because there are now twice as many terms as before. That gives

1/2 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 3/16 + 1/8 + ...

He repeats the process indefinitely. For example, the next pair of steps gives

1/2 + 7/16 + 3/8 + 5/16 + 1/4 + 7/32 + 3/16 + 5/32 + 1/8 + ...


1/4 + 7/32 + 3/16 + 5/32 + 1/8 + 7/64 + 3/32 + 5/64 + 1/16 + ...

What exact limit will the series approach?

See The Solution Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (1 votes)

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Solution solution | Comment 1 of 4
ser=sym(1); term=sym(1);
for i=1:50
  ser=[ser term];
for iter=1:10
  stack=[ser;avgs 0];
  % disp(newser(1:10))
  fprintf('%s + ',newser(1:9))
  % disp(ser(1:10))
  fprintf('%s + ',ser(1:9))

  fprintf('%s %f %s\n\n',[sym(eval(sum(ser)))   sum(eval(ser))  sym(eval(sum(ser)))-3/2])

In the groupings below, the first line gives the result of interposing the means between previously successive terms. The second line shows the result of halving each term. In each case, only the first 10 terms are shown.

The third line specifies the sum of the infinite series after that halving, first as a fraction and then the decimal. The last item on that line shows the difference between the sum and 1.5. For each successive iteration, this difference is halved, showing the limit is 3/2 or 1.5.

1 + 3/4 + 1/2 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 3/16 + 1/8 + 3/32 + 1/16 + 3/64
1/2 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 3/16 + 1/8 + 3/32 + 1/16 + 3/64 + 1/32 + 3/128
7/4 1.750000 1/4
1/2 + 7/16 + 3/8 + 5/16 + 1/4 + 7/32 + 3/16 + 5/32 + 1/8 + 7/64
1/4 + 7/32 + 3/16 + 5/32 + 1/8 + 7/64 + 3/32 + 5/64 + 1/16 + 7/128
13/8 1.625000 1/8
1/4 + 15/64 + 7/32 + 13/64 + 3/16 + 11/64 + 5/32 + 9/64 + 1/8 + 15/128
1/8 + 15/128 + 7/64 + 13/128 + 3/32 + 11/128 + 5/64 + 9/128 + 1/16 + 15/256
25/16 1.562500 1/16
1/8 + 31/256 + 15/128 + 29/256 + 7/64 + 27/256 + 13/128 + 25/256 + 3/32 + 23/256
1/16 + 31/512 + 15/256 + 29/512 + 7/128 + 27/512 + 13/256 + 25/512 + 3/64 + 23/512
49/32 1.531250 1/32
1/16 + 63/1024 + 31/512 + 61/1024 + 15/256 + 59/1024 + 29/512 + 57/1024 + 7/128 + 55/1024
1/32 + 63/2048 + 31/1024 + 61/2048 + 15/512 + 59/2048 + 29/1024 + 57/2048 + 7/256 + 55/2048
97/64 1.515625 1/64
1/32 + 127/4096 + 63/2048 + 125/4096 + 31/1024 + 123/4096 + 61/2048 + 121/4096 + 15/512 + 119/4096
1/64 + 127/8192 + 63/4096 + 125/8192 + 31/2048 + 123/8192 + 61/4096 + 121/8192 + 15/1024 + 119/8192
193/128 1.507812 1/128
1/64 + 255/16384 + 127/8192 + 253/16384 + 63/4096 + 251/16384 + 125/8192 + 249/16384 + 31/2048 + 247/16384
1/128 + 255/32768 + 127/16384 + 253/32768 + 63/8192 + 251/32768 + 125/16384 + 249/32768 + 31/4096 + 247/32768
385/256 1.503906 1/256
1/128 + 511/65536 + 255/32768 + 509/65536 + 127/16384 + 507/65536 + 253/32768 + 505/65536 + 63/8192 + 503/65536
1/256 + 511/131072 + 255/65536 + 509/131072 + 127/32768 + 507/131072 + 253/65536 + 505/131072 + 63/16384 + 503/131072
769/512 1.501953 1/512
1/256 + 1023/262144 + 511/131072 + 1021/262144 + 255/65536 + 1019/262144 + 509/131072 + 1017/262144 + 127/32768 + 1015/262144
1/512 + 1023/524288 + 511/262144 + 1021/524288 + 255/131072 + 1019/524288 + 509/262144 + 1017/524288 + 127/65536 + 1015/524288
1537/1024 1.500977 1/1024
1/512 + 2047/1048576 + 1023/524288 + 2045/1048576 + 511/262144 + 2043/1048576 + 1021/524288 + 2041/1048576 + 255/131072 + 2039/1048576
1/1024 + 2047/2097152 + 1023/1048576 + 2045/2097152 + 511/524288 + 2043/2097152 + 1021/1048576 + 2041/2097152 + 255/262144 + 2039/2097152
3073/2048 1.500488 1/2048

  Posted by Charlie on 2024-06-11 21:47:00
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