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Given Functional Equation, Find the Derivative (Posted on 2024-06-18) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Given that:
2*f(sin x) + f(cos x) = x

Find f'(x)

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Such a function cannot exist for all values of x.
Sine and cosine are periodic.  Increasing the lhs by 2pi will leave it unchanged.

We want lhs to increase linearly.  I know arcsin(sin(x) and arcsin(cos(x)) are zigzags of linear segments.  

A little playing around gives f(x)=arcsin(x)-pi/6
which is equal to x from 0 to pi/2

The derivative of arcsin(x)-pi/6 is 1/sqrt(1-x^2)
which on its own is only defined from -1 to 1.

There are more solutions that can be found by messing with the slopes and shifting up or down.  Here's one using arccosine and defined from pi/2 to pi.  So now the derivative is -1/(3sqrt(1-x^2))
It looks like by playing with the a parameter and arcsin/arccos there may be 8 solutions in all.

  Posted by Jer on 2024-06-19 09:48:36
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