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Quad Circles in Triangles (Posted on 2024-06-18) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A circle is inscribed in a triangle ABC with sides a,b,c. Tangents to the circle parallel to the sides of the triangle are constructed. Each of these tangents cuts off a triangle from △ABC. In each of these triangles, a circle is inscribed. Find the sum of the areas of all four inscribed circles (in terms of a,b,c).

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Some Thoughts If oversimplified to an equilateral | Comment 1 of 2
This does not solve the problem, but if the triangle were equilateral ...

The inradius of an equilateral triangle is 1/3 times the height.  So the three small triangles cut off from △ABC are each equilateral with dimensions 1/3 of the parent triangle.  So each incircle of the smaller equilaterals has area 1/9 of △ABC.

So the sum of areas of all 4 incircles is 4/3 that of △ABC
If a=b=c, the area of the incircle of △ABC is πa^2/12, so area of all 4 is πa^2/9

Since many triangle identities are related to the semiperimeter, the answer might be (and this is just a guess):
π(2s/3)^2 / 9  or  4πs^2/81 where s is the semiperimeter, or
(a+b+c)π/81.  Again, just a guess.

  Posted by Larry on 2024-06-19 11:16:55
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