Find at least two common words with seven consonants in a row.
while ~feof(fid)
for i=1:length(we)
if length(we{i})>=7
fprintf('%-22s %-12s %3d\n',w,we{i},length(we{i}))
The results show all of them have a Y in them, except for tsktsks. The rest would not have at least 7 without the Y.
If you ask me, these Y's (or Greek I's) are just as vowel-like as regular I's.
antiarrhythmic rrhythm 7
antiarrhythmics rrhythm 7
arrhythmia rrhythm 7
arrhythmias rrhythm 7
arrhythmic rrhythm 7
biorhythms rhythms 7
dimethylhydrazine thylhydr 8
dimethylhydrazines thylhydr 8
dimethyltryptamine thyltrypt 9
dimethyltryptamines thyltrypt 9
dysrhythmia dysrhythm 9
dysrhythmias dysrhythm 9
dysrhythmic dysrhythm 9
encrypts ncrypts 7
ethynyls thynyls 7
eurhythmy rhythmy 7
glycyls glycyls 7
hydroxytryptamine xytrypt 7
hydroxytryptamines xytrypt 7
mistrysts strysts 7
naphthyls phthyls 7
nonsynchronous nsynchr 7
polycrystal lycryst 7
polycrystalline lycryst 7
polycrystals lycryst 7
polyptych lyptych 7
polyptychs lyptychs 8
polyrhythm lyrhythm 8
polyrhythmic lyrhythm 8
polyrhythmically lyrhythm 8
polyrhythms lyrhythms 9
postpsychoanalytic stpsych 7
postsyncs stsyncs 7
rhythms rhythms 7
strychnine strychn 7
strychnines strychn 7
sulfhydryl lfhydryl 8
sulfhydryls lfhydryls 9
symphyseal symphys 7
symphyses symphys 7
symphysial symphys 7
symphysis symphys 7
tachyarrhythmia rrhythm 7
tachyarrhythmias rrhythm 7
tsktsks tsktsks 7
unrhythmic nrhythm 7
unsynchronized nsynchr 7
Aberystwyth rystwyth 8
Argyllshire rgyllsh 7
Houyhnhnms yhnhnms 7
Posted by Charlie
on 2024-07-10 06:47:26 |