Preparing breakfast for Will and her five other boarders before they set out for work each morning keeps Mrs. Finnegan very busy. Her task is made somewhat easier, however, by the fact that each young man has the same breakfast every morning---either eggs or pancakes, accompanied by either bacon, ham, or sausage. Each one also has either coffee, tea, or milk. No two have exactly the same breakfast. It should be added that Mrs. Finnegan has a firm rule: She will not prepare any dish for only one person. From the following clues can you determine what each boarder has for breakfast?
1. Al, who does not like sausage, usually sits next to the boarder who breakfasts on bacon and pancakes.
2. Bob and Chuck both have ham.
3. Peter does not care for bacon.
4. Ned does not like pancakes.
5. Bob has coffee.
6. The sausage eaters have tea; two of the pancake eaters have coffee; the other two boarders drink milk.
7. More than two of the boarders have eggs.
(In reply to
re(2): Full Solution by DJ)
Yes please... I don't know if others know what the solution is.
I am just figuring out pre tags, but it seems like they force the script over like they always have. So when it's in pre tags it will keep typing over and over and over even if you run out of space. Is that right or have my observations led me astray?
Posted by Gamer
on 2003-08-23 15:26:42 |