Solution: Area ~ 301.593
Using the form A x^2 + B xy + C y^2 = const, we note that
the conic discriminant, B^2-4AC, is negative, indicating
an ellipse. With no D x and E y terms, the ellipse is centered at
the origin.
N.b, the discriminant also equals (-const) here,
which suggests there's a shortcut. However, not seeing
the shortcut, I go forward - giving details that help me.
Using the Principle Axis Theorem to find the semi-major and
minor axes, we can get the area. We express the LHS above by
constructing matrix A, where {{x},{y}} is a column vector:
45 x^2 - 36 xy + 20 y^2 = {x,y} A {{x},{y}}
A = {{45,-18}, {-18,20}}, so
45 x^2 - 36 xy + 20 y^2
= {x,y} {{45,-18}, {-18,20}} {{x},{y}}
I believe we could have split the -36 into any two parts;
-18 was an arbitrary choice.
We seek eigenvectors X1, X2, and eigenvalues, l1,l2, s.t.
AX = lX
(AX-lI) X = 0 with I = {{1,0},{0,1}}
(Note: The matrix in () can not be invertible, or else we
could do this: ()^-1 () X = 0 giving X=0, i.e. no eigenvectors.
Since () is not invertible, det() = 0 )
det(AX-lI) = 0
det{{45-l,-18}, {-18,20-l}} = 0
l^2 - 65 l + 576 = 0
So our eigenvalues are:
l_1,2 = 65/2 +/- sqrt(1921)/2
Now solve for the eigenvectors:
AX = l1 A
(A - l1 I)X = 0
(A - l1 {{1,0},{0,1}})X = 0
row reduce the matrix:
= {{1,25/36 + sqrt(1921)/36},{0,0}}
So the first eigenvector is
X1 = {1,25/36 + sqrt(1921)/36}
likewise, for l2,
row reduce the matrix:
= {{1,25/36 - sqrt(1921)/36},{0,0}}
X2 = {1,25/36 - sqrt(1921)/36}
These orthogonal vectors give the axes of the ellipse:
x+(1/36)(25 +/- sqrt(1921)y=0
witH the + for the major axis and the - for the minor axis
Rather than make them orthonormal, we just solve for
their endpoint intersections with the ellipse:
45 x^2 + 20 y^2 - 36 xy = 2304,
Doing the minor axis via substitution of x in terms of y.
2304=(45/(36^2))[25+sqrt(1921)]^2 y^2 + 20 y^2 +
[25 + sqrt(1921) y^2
y = +/-3 sqrt{[2(9605 - 197 sqrt(1921)]/1921}
x = -(1/36) [25+ sqrt(1921) ] y
The minor axis terminates at +/- (-5.7660, 3.0158)
For the major axis
2304=(45/(36^2))[25-sqrt(1921)]^2 y^2 + 20 y^2 +
[25 - sqrt(1921) y^2
y = +/-3 sqrt{[2(9605 + 197 sqrt(1921)]/1921}
x = -(1/36) [25 - sqrt(1921) ] y
The major axis terminates at +/- (6.8377, 13.073)
The area is (pi a b), where a and b are the
endpoints of the semi-minor and major axes.
Area = pi sqrt((-5.7660)^2+3.0158^2) sqrt(6.8377^2+13.073^2)
Area ~ 301.593
Edited on November 11, 2024, 9:33 pm