By brute force: when the exponent is 666, the answer appears to be 1512.
I did some explorations:
For odd exponents, the answer is 2
For even exponents which are either 2 mod 12 or 10 mod 12, the answer is 24
When the exponent is 6* a prime, the answer is 504
Some multiples of 222:
exp gcd
222 504
444 5040
666 1512
888 10080
1110 504
1332 15120
1554 3528
1776 20160
1998 4536
2220 25200
import math
import sympy
from itertools import combinations
def gcdList(aList):
ans = math.gcd(aList[0],aList[1])
for i,v in enumerate(aList):
if i < 2:
ans = math.gcd(ans,v)
return ans
big = 10000
primes = [i for i in range(11, big) if sympy.isprime(i)]
for expo in range(666,667):
powers = [n**expo for n in primes]
diffs = []
for comb in combinations(powers,2):
diffs.append(comb[1] - comb[0])
print(expo, gcdList(diffs))
Posted by Larry
on 2025-02-02 13:43:10 |