Prove that there exists an infinitely large number of primes.
Well, all primes above 2 are odd, and numbers are divisible by three if the digits in that number add up to 3 only, e.g. 123, 354, 720, etc.
Well 11 is not divisible by anything ever, and 3 isn't either, so what if we just take 11, and put it with 3 then keep adding 0s between them, i.e.
the only number that is not prime from a digits standpoint i.e. 0x0 to 9*9 is 63=9*7=3*3*7. So in order to end up with a 3 in the digits column and NOT be divisible by 3 doesn't happen that often. If you keep on going, you'll run into another simple number that just isn't divisible by anything.
Posted by Lawrence
on 2003-08-27 18:49:42 |