6-342-30-2-132 / 420-72-30 /
12-240-20-30 / 420-240 /
342-30-506-30-2-156 / 2 /
42-2-182-240-462-380 /
272-72-342-2-380-30 / 2-210-20 /
90-420-380 / 2-462-420-72-240-342:
420-240 / 6-30 / 240-342 /
210-240-420 / 420-240 / 6-30;
420-72-2-420 / 90-380 / 420-72-30 /
~552-90-156-156-90-2-182 /
Note: Each letter of every word is separated by a dash and each word is separated by a slash.
The Phrase is
"Break the code to reveal a famous phrase and its author: To be or not to be that is the question.
~ William Shakespeare"