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Home > Just Math > Calculus
Moving Day (Posted on 2004-05-26) Difficulty: 3 of 5
An easier version of this puzzle is here.

A large panel needs to be moved through a corridor, the panel is tall as the corridor. The corridor is A feet wide before a right angle turn, after the turn, it is B feet wide. What is the maximum length of the panel that can pass through this corner.

Overhead view of the hallway:

|           /   |
|          /    |B ft
|         /     |
|        /+------
|       / |
|      /  |
|     /   |
|    /    |
|   /     |
|  /      |
| /       |
|/        |
+<-A ft-->|

  Submitted by Brian Smith    
Rating: 3.8333 (6 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
|    y      /   |
|          /    |b ft
|         /     |
|        /+------
|       / |
|x     /  |
|     /   |
|    /    |
|   /     |
|  /      |
| /       |
|/        |
+<-a ft-->|
In the above diagram (x-b)/a = x/y (by similar triangles). Therefore y = ax/(x-b).

The length of the diagonal line L is given by: L² = x²+y² = x²+a²*x²/(x-b)².
The minimum value of L is the length of the largest panel. L is minimal when L² is minimal, i.e., 2L.dL/dx = 2x+2a².x/(x-b)²-2a²x²/(x-b)³ = 0.

This can be simplified into (x-b)³+a²*(x-b) = a²x.
Then x = a^(2/3).b^(1/3)+b = b^(1/3).(a^(2/3)+b^(2/3)).
Then y = a.(a^(2/3).b^(1/3)+b)/a^(2/3)*b^(1/3) = a^(1/3).b^(2/3)+a = a^(1/3).(a^(2/3)+b^(2/3)).

This yields the result
L = √(a^(2/3)+b^(2/3))*(a^(2/3)+b^(2/3)) = √(a^(2/3)+b^(2/3))³.
This means that the longest panel has length √(a^(2/3)+b^(2/3))³

NOTES: The sign of the second derivative must be studied to be sure that we do have a minimum. Also, as x and y are bounded (x>b, y>a) we could have an extreme at x=b or y=a; they should be studied separately.

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  Subject Author Date
Some ThoughtsPuzzle ThoughtsK Sengupta2023-04-26 01:25:15
re: I get a different answer than that of FK and Jer!.ajosin2005-03-17 04:02:29
I get a different answer than that of FK and Jer!.ajosin2005-03-17 03:51:16
Hints/Tipsexplainingketter2005-01-21 10:56:43
Solutionmy solutionketter2005-01-21 10:47:58
Solutionrewrite of my solution (what symbols?)lake2004-10-26 16:48:45
re moving daylake2004-10-21 15:20:19
Some Thoughtsre: my solutionDanny2004-06-07 10:46:45
my solutionbecca2004-06-07 01:10:08
Some Thoughtsre: Intuitive (errata)Elisabeth2004-06-04 08:33:00
Some ThoughtsIntuitiveElisabeth2004-06-03 18:50:40
re(3): SK.SilverKnight2004-06-03 01:12:47
re(2): SK.joe2004-06-02 22:18:10
re: Generalize..SilverKnight2004-06-02 13:43:33
Generalize..joe2004-06-01 23:06:48
re: Agreement with F.K. - FixedJer2004-05-28 08:59:28
re: Agreement with F.K. -- symbols not coming out too wellCharlie2004-05-27 21:54:37
SolutionSilverKnight's suggestionFederico Kereki2004-05-27 12:42:19
Agreement with F.K.Jer2004-05-27 10:16:11
Some Thoughtsre(2): Full Solutione.g.2004-05-27 10:02:20
Some Thoughtsre: stars on 45Danny2004-05-27 08:05:06
Some Thoughtsre: stars on 45e.g.2004-05-27 07:59:13
stars on 45Lee2004-05-27 00:39:42
re(2): Full SolutionSilverKnight2004-05-26 16:06:25
re: Full SolutionCharlie2004-05-26 15:55:59
DOH!Danny2004-05-26 15:22:00
Solutionre: Full SolutionFederico Kereki2004-05-26 15:00:20
re(2): pythagorean solutionDanny2004-05-26 14:56:32
Full SolutionSilverKnight2004-05-26 14:28:31
Solutioncalcluelessrixar2004-05-26 14:26:44
Some Thoughtsre: pythagorean solutionFederico Kereki2004-05-26 14:24:56
Solutionpythagorean solutionDanny2004-05-26 14:20:15
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