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Airport race (Posted on 2002-12-05) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Xavier and Yonette are waiting for their plane at an airport, when Xavier proposes a race:

"See that moving sidewalk? Why don't you run on it, and then when you reach the end turn back and run to where you started from? I meanwhile will run the same path, but right next to it rather than on it."

Yonette thought about it and said:

"But I don't see the point... We both run with the same speed, and it's the same distance. Sure, I will gain a bit on you while the sidewalk increases my speed, but then I will just lose the advantage while I'm running back and we will arrive at the same time."

Assuming Xavier and Yonette do run with the same speed, who will win the race?

  Submitted by levik    
Rating: 3.5556 (9 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Initially one would think Yonette is right: she will gain some time running with the moving sidewalk by benefiting from its speed, but then lose just as much time when going back.

But if you think about it, Yonette will obviously spend less time running faster than she will running slower. (Since the distance will remain the same)

Therefore, even though her base speed is the same as Xavier's, her average speed will be less, and thus she will lose the race.

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  Subject Author Date
SolutionExplanation to Puzzle AnswerK Sengupta2022-05-19 23:32:11
Puzzle AnswerK Sengupta2022-05-19 23:20:31
Solution belatedsalil2006-02-05 08:26:10
Some Thoughtsan error in the solution (spoiler)saprom2005-12-21 17:17:53
For those who like equationsGordon Steel2004-06-10 15:00:04
Some More thought?Dulanjana2002-12-09 02:56:56
Solution...?ashwin2002-12-08 22:17:42
Hints/TipsA bit of intuitionfriedlinguini2002-12-07 04:09:00
Some ThoughtsMy predictioncges2002-12-06 06:05:33
without the mathCory Taylor2002-12-06 05:09:09
SolutionIt's all relativeTomM2002-12-05 22:48:00
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