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Pieces in the box (Posted on 2005-10-26) Difficulty: 2 of 5
In the example below, three rectangular pieces of dimensions 2x1, with the numbers (0,5), (2,3) and (2,3) are put into the 3x3 box so that all the 6 sums (3 rows and 3 columns) are the same (=5).
               |       +=====++=====+|
               |       |  2  ||  3  ||
               ||  0  ||  3  ||  2  ||  
               ||  5  |              |
               |+=====+              | 
I put these six similar pieces - (0,2), (0,6), (1,1), (1,5), (2,4) and (2,4) - with the numbers upwards, in a 4x4 box and showed it to my next door neighbour. He noticed that all 8 sums (4 rows and 4 columns) added up to the same number. How did I do it?
           +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+
           |  0  |  2  | |  0  |  6  | |  1  |  1  |
           +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+ 
           +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+
           |  1  |  5  | |  2  |  4  | |  2  |  4  |
           +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+ +=====+=====+
Note: the "6" shown is still a "6" even when you put that piece upside down.

  Submitted by pcbouhid    
Rating: 4.3333 (6 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
More than one way. One of them: put 5 dominoes like this:
          | +===+ +=======+     |
          | | 1 | | 4 | 2 |     |
          | |---| +=======+     |
          | | 5 |     +=======+ |
          | +===+     | 2 | 0 | |
          |           +=======+ |
          |               +===+ | 
          |               | 6 | |
          |      +=======+|---| |
          |      | 2 | 4 || 0 | |
          |      +=======++===+ |
Now, place the (1-1) domino vertically, above the spots 2 of the dominoes 4-2 and 2-0. The 8 sums that you are seeing now are all equal to 6.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
Some Thoughtsre: Think I may have itK Sengupta2024-04-23 01:52:01
re: Congratulations.pcbouhid2005-11-08 06:59:29
Congratulations.Mindy Rodriguez2005-11-07 23:07:13
re: my solutionpcbouhid2005-10-30 10:09:36
Solutionmy solutionMindy Rodriguez2005-10-29 23:31:53
re: can you? answer my quetionpcbouhid2005-10-27 16:15:38
can you? answer my quetionQuincy2005-10-27 14:49:02
re(4): Think I may have itJosh706792005-10-27 14:34:07
re(3): Think I may have itpcbouhid2005-10-27 14:29:08
re(2): Think I may have itJosh706792005-10-27 14:19:44
re: impossible?Quincy2005-10-27 13:21:21
re: Think I may have itQuincy2005-10-27 13:17:37
SolutionThink I may have itLisa2005-10-26 11:24:58
This problem is...pcbouhid2005-10-26 11:12:19
Some Thoughtsfirst thoughts...SilverKnight2005-10-26 10:52:16
impossible?Josh706792005-10-26 10:46:23
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