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Find these constants I (Posted on 2005-11-10) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Given that
 k=∞          1           A*B-C*D
Σ    ------------------ = -------
 k=0 (3k+1)(3k+2)(3k+3)      E   
where A, B, C, D and E are, in some order, the number π (pi), the square root of an integer, the natural logarithm of an integer, and two integers, find their values.

  Submitted by pcbouhid    
Rating: 3.1667 (6 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
                1              A        B        C
Making ------------------ = ------ + ------ + ------
       (3k+1)(3k+2)(3k+3)   (3k+1)   (3k+2)   (3k+3)

we achieve A = 1/2, B = -1, and C = 1/2.

Thus, calling the SUM S, we have:

                                 1        2        1
        2S = {sum 0 --> inf} [------ - ------ + ------] 
                              (3k+1)   (3k+2)   (3k+3)

From now on, "INT" will mean the definite integral from 0 to 1,
and "sum" will mean {sum 0 --> inf}.

Once ------ = INT(x^3k)dx.........<==== THE KEY !!

the (double of) SUM becomes :
 2S = {sum} INT [ x^(-3k) - 2x^(3k+1) + x^(3k+2)]dx

or, what is the same, changing the order of "sum" and the "INT":

 2S = INT ({sum} [ x^(-3k) - 2x^(3k+1) + x^(3k+2 ]}dx 

 2S = INT {(1 - 2x + x^2) * sum (x^3k)}dx

             (1 - x)^2
 2S = INT { ----------- }dx
              1 - x^3 

               1 - x
 2S = INT { ----------- }dx
            x^2 + x + 1

                  -(2x + 1) + 3
 2S = 1/2 * INT { -------------- }dx
                    x^2 + x + 1

                    2x + 1                               dx
 2S = -1/2 * INT {-----------}dx + 3/2 * INT {-------------------------}
                  x^2 + x + 1                 (x+1/2)^2 + (sqrt(3)/2)^2

 2S = [-1/2 ln(x^2+x+1) + (3/2)*(2/sqrt(3))*arctan (x+1/2)/(sqrt(3)/2)] from 0 to 1

 2S = - 1/2 ln(3) + sqrt(3)(pi/3 - pi/6) 
       pi*sqrt(3) - 3*ln(3)
  S = ---------------------

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
Puzzle ThoughtsK Sengupta2023-04-02 01:58:50
One leetle proviso to the solutionJayDeeKay2015-01-06 13:04:09
You will need this...pcbouhid2005-11-12 22:07:52
re(7): confirm CharliegoFish2005-11-12 17:49:02
re(6): confirm Charliepcbouhid2005-11-12 16:39:58
re(5): confirm CharliegoFish2005-11-12 12:34:39
re(4): confirm Charliepcbouhid2005-11-12 06:24:45
re(3): confirm CharliegoFish2005-11-12 03:56:10
re(2): confirm Charliepcbouhid2005-11-11 07:44:49
Solutionre: confirm CharliegoFish2005-11-11 03:58:17
Solutioncomputer soln--spoiler--don't let this inhibit you from seeking analytic solnCharlie2005-11-10 16:09:58
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