The single word solution is "magnets".
The first step in solving this puzzle is to discover the cryptic phrase hidden in plain sight within the "elementary" coded message. The text to be extracted, in this case, is intermingled with the letters for the first 28 elements of the periodic table. Starting on the left with "H" (hydrogen), remove the letters used to symbolize each element in turn. The "H" and "e" of helium would be the next letters removed and by continuing in this fashion the cryptic phrase "Swinging man gets these attractive ones!" is revealed.
As usual, this cryptic phrase contains two parts, one of which is wordplay, the other a definition. Both lead to the solution.
The wordplay in this cryptic phrase directs the solver to find an anagram: Swinging "man gets" = magnets; The second part provides the definition: "these attractive ones!" also bringing to mind the solution "magnets".
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