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Arithmetic Integers (Posted on 2006-02-06) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A series of 3 numbers B(1),B(2) and B(3) are defined to be in Arithmetic Progression if B(3) - B(2) = B(2) - B(1).

Without referring to Fermat's Last Theorem, prove that it is not feasible to determine three positive integers in Arithmetic Progression with the nineteenth power of the largest integer being equal to the sum of nineteenth powers of the remaining integers.

  Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 2.7500 (4 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Let us consider ay given arithmetic series A,A+B,------,A+nB where (A,B)=k.
Then, substituting C=A/k and D = B/k, we obtain the arithmetic series C,C+D,------,C+nD where (C,D) = 1, son that, any given arithmetic series x' + p*y' with (x',y') =1 for p =0,1,......,n will generate the arithmetic series x+p*y where x = k*x' and y=k*y' and k > 1 for p=0,1,....,n.

Accordingly, the required positive integers are x-y, x and x+y ( say), where we can assume without any loss of generality that (x,y) =1

Since, (x-y) must be positive, it follows that x > y.

Hence, (x-y)^19 + x^19 = (x+y)^19 gives, x^19= 0(Mod y)
Since, (x,y) =1 by assumption, it follows that y=1.

(x-1)19 + x^19 = (x+1)^19
or, 2 = 0 (Mod x)

Since, x must be greater than 1, it follows that x=2, and we observe that x=2 yields 1 + 2^19 = 3^19
Now, we know that, 1 + 2^P < 3^P for all P greater than 2.
Acordingly, 1 + 2^19 = 3^19 is a contradiction.

Consequently, it is not feasible to determine three positive integers in Arithmetic Progression satisfying conditions of the problem.

----------Q E D -----------

For a general method for solving the problem under reference, refer to the mehodology provided below.


Suppose, we are given three positive integers x-y, x and x+y ( with x > y ) in Arithmetic Progression.

We shall prove that no integral solution exists for the equation given below:

(x-y)^P + x^P = (x +y)^P, where P is any positive integer greater than 2.


Without any loss of generality, we can assume that (x,y) = 1.

Then, if possible, let:
(x-y)^P + x^P = (x +y)^P,where P > 2 -------(#)
or, x^P = 0 ( Mod y)
or, y divides x^P which in conjunction with (x,y)=1 gives y =1.
If x =1, then the smallest of the three numbers is x-y =1-1=0, which is a contradiction.

For x=2, it follows that :
1 + 2^P = 3^P, for all integral P > 2
But we know that 1 + 2^P < 3^P for all integral P greater than 2. This is a contradiction.

(x-1)^P + x^P = (x+1)^P, for P > 2 and x > 2
or, (-1)^P = 1 ( Mod x), so that P must be even and, since P > 2, it follows that P is grreater than or equal to 4.

x^P = (x+1)^P - (x-1)^P for, x > 2
or, x^P = 2(P*(x^(P-1)) + P(P-1)(P-2)/6 *(x^(P-3)) + ------------------ + P*x) ( since P is even)--------------(##)

Consequently, x must be even and P is an even number greater than or equal to 4; so that, 2*(x^3) divides x^4 and hence, 2*(x^3) divides x^P for all P greater than or equal to 4.

Hence, from (##):

0 = 2*P*x ( Mod 2*(x^3) )
or, 2Px = 0 (Mod 2*(x^3)), so that 2*(x^3) divides 2Px, giving that P is greater than or equal to x^2.

(x-1)^P = (x+1)^P - x^P
or,(x-1)^P > P*(x^(P-1))
> = x^ (P+1), which is not feasible and accordingly, this is a contradiction.

Consequently, no positive integral solution exists for equation (#).

Substituting P = 19, we obtain our desired result.

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  Subject Author Date
re: Proof, I thinkMindrod2006-02-07 22:54:54
SolutionProof, I thinkgoFish2006-02-06 16:01:36
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