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Three Friends And Herbivores (Posted on 2006-04-02) |
A grassland can support 19 sheep and 16 cows for a maximum of 9 days; OR; 21 sheep and 12 buffalos for a maximum of 7 days; OR; 18 cows and 6 buffalos for a maximum of 6 days; OR; 8 sheep, 5 cows and 7 buffalos indefinitely.
Three friends Abner, Bert and Claude jointly arranged for use of the grassland for $11,466 on the understanding that the share of rent paid by any given friend would be determined in accordance with the total amount of grass consumed by his pets.
The grass grows at a constant rate per unit time in the grassland. For example, if the rate of growth of grass is 6 units per day and the initial amount of grass in the grassland is 5000 units, then the total amount of grass at the end of 5 days in the grassland would be 5030 units.
Abner grazes 13 sheep and 4 buffalos for 48 days.
Bert puts in 10 cows and 2 buffalos for 38 days and:
Claude puts in 7 sheep and 6 cows for a period of 56 days.
Determine the respective share of rent payable by Abner, Bert and Claude on the grassland in terms of information inclusive of the foregoing statements.
Submitted by K Sengupta
Rating: 4.0000 (2 votes)
The respective share of rent payable by Abner, Bert and Claude on the grassland are $3969, $3724 and $3773.
Let X = Initial amount of grass in the grassland.
S = Daily ration of a sheep.
C = Daily ration of a cow.
B = Daily ration of a buffalo.
Y = Daily growth of grass in the grassland.
Then, by conditions of the problem, we obtain :
(i) X + 9Y = 9(19S + 16C);
(ii) X + 7Y = 7(21S + 12B);
(iii) X + 6Y = 6(18C + 6B);
(iv) Y = 8S + 5C + 7B;
From (i) to (iv), we obtain:
9(19S+16C) - 7(21S+12B) = 2(8S + 5C + 7B)
and,7(21S + 12B) - 6(18C + 6B) = 8S + 5C + 7B
Simplifying, we obtain the following system of equations:
4S + 67C - 49B = 0
139S - 113C + 41B = 0
By way of cross multiplication, we observe that:
S/(-2790) = C/(-6975 = B/(-9765)
or, S/2 = C/5 = B/7, so that:
C=5S/2 and B = 7S/2.
Now, amount of grass consumed by 13 sheep and 4 buffalos in 48 days = 48(13S + 4B) = 48(13S+14S)=1296S units.
Amount of grass consumed by 10 cows and 2 buffalos in 38 days = 38(10C+2B) = 38(25S + 7S)=1216S units.
Amount of grass consumed by & sheep and 6 cows in 56 days = 56(7S+6C)=56(7S+ 15S)=1232S units.
Accordingly, the rents to be paid by Abner, Bert and Claude are respectively in the ratio 1296:1216:1232 = 81:76:77
Hence, Abner's share of rent = $(81*11466/234) = $3969.
Bert's share of rent = $(76*11466/234) = $3724.
Claude's share of rent = $(77*11466/234) = $3773.
Consequently, the respective share of rent payable by Abner, Bert and Claude on the grassland are $3969,$3724 and $3773.
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