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Perfect Squares (Posted on 2003-04-05) Difficulty: 5 of 5
Show that the numbers of the form:


[Where there are 'k' Fours, '(k-1)' Eights and 'Exactly One' 9],

are always perfect squares.

(For example the sequence of numbers: 49, 4489, 444889, ....etc. and so on are always perfect squares).

  Submitted by Ravi Raja    
Rating: 4.0000 (3 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Let the given number be 444444……4444888888……8889, where the digit 4 appears ‘k’ times, the digit 8 appears ‘(k – 1)’ times and the digit 9 appears exactly once (and always in the unit’s place).

Let N(k) = 444444……4444888888……8889, where the digit 4 appears ‘k’ times, the digit 8 appears ‘(k – 1)’ times and the digit 9 appears exactly once.

N(k) – 1 = 444444……4444888888……8888, where both the digits 4 and 8 now appear ‘k’ times.

Therefore, it is clear that {N(k) – 1} is divisible by the number 111111……1111, where there are ‘k’ 1’s and the quotient thus obtained will be 4000000……0008, where there is exactly one 4 (the leftmost digit) and exactly one 8 (the rightmost digit) separated by ‘(k – 1)’ zeros (0’s) in between.

Also, we can see that the numbers 408, 4008, 40008, 400008, ……and similar numbers with exactly one 4 (the leftmost digit) and exactly one 8 (the rightmost digit) separated by any number of zeros (0’s) in between is an exact multiple of 6, giving quotients 68, 668, 6668, 66668,…… (with the same number of 6’s in the quotient as there are number of zeros in the dividend).

Hence, the number 4000000……0008, where there is exactly one 4 (the leftmost digit) and exactly one 8 (the rightmost digit) separated by ‘(k – 1)’ zeros (0’s) in between is also a multiple of 6, the quotient being 666666……6668, where there are ‘(k – 1)’ 6’s and one 8.

So, from the above results, the number {N(k) – 1} can be written as the product of two factors as follows:

{N(k) – 1} = 444444……4444888888……8888, where both the digits 4 and 8 now appear ‘k’ times.

= (666666……6666)x(666666……6668), where there are ‘(k)’ 6’s in the first factor and ‘(k – 1)’ 6’s and one 8 in the second factor.

Again, the two factors can be rewritten in the form:

(666666……6667 – 1)x(666666……6667 + 1), which is of the form (A – 1)(A + 1); and A = 666666……6667, where there are ‘(k – 1)’ 6’s and ONE 7.

Thus, we now have the following form for N(k):

{N(k) – 1} = (A – 1)(A + 1)

or, N(k) – 1 = (A)^2 – 1 or, N(k) = (A)^2, where A = 666666……6667, where there are ‘(k – 1)’ 6’s and ONE 7.

Thus proving that every number of the form 444444……4444888888……8889, [where the digit 4 appears ‘k’ times, the digit 8 appears ‘(k – 1)’ times and the digit 9 appears exactly once (and always in the unit’s place)], is always a PERFECT SQUARE.

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  Subject Author Date
SolutionEven simpler.broll2012-09-17 03:10:19
Solution(simple)Praneeth Yalavarthi2007-07-10 13:06:21
re(3): solutionRavi Raja2003-04-07 04:29:26
Some ThoughtsPartial ideaGamer2003-04-06 05:03:37
re(2): solutionGamer2003-04-06 04:44:16
re: solutionRavi Raja2003-04-06 04:23:41
re: solutionRavi Raja2003-04-06 04:18:56
re: solutionRavi Raja2003-04-06 04:12:57
SolutionsolutionCharlie2003-04-05 13:42:37
UmmDJ2003-04-05 05:56:26
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