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Optimizing The Train (Posted on 2006-10-04) Difficulty: 4 of 5
A periodic pulse train of period N, and having the value P(t) at time t, is generated according to

P(t) = | A0 + A1W + A1W2 + ... + AN-1WN-1 | 2

where the coefficients Aj are complex numbers, W=exp(i2πt/N) (i=√(-1)), and N is a fixed positive integer. The pulse train is thus the square of the absolute value of a complex "trigonometric polynomial."

The pulse train engineer desires the pulse train to have the highest peak value possible, subject to the constraint that the area S of one period of the pulse train has a prescribed value. The engineer suspects that there is a smallest constant K such that no matter how the Aj are chosen, P(t)<=KS for all t. Prove this for him if you can, and determine if equality is possible for some t when S>0 (which would make the engineer's desire fully realizable).

  Submitted by Richard    
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The optimum is obtained by picking the coefficients all equal. The inequality holds with K=1 and can be proved using a well-known result of Cauchy.

It is easy to show that S = N(|A0|2 + |A1|2 + ... + |AN-1|2). The inequality then follows using Cauchy's result that the square of the sum of |Ak||Bk| does not exceed the product of the sums of the |Ak|2 and the |Bk|2 in the case where |Bk| = |Wk| = 1. This result of Cauchy is very well-known in various contexts and is sometimes associated also with the names Schwarz and/or Buniakowski ( ). It just says that an expression that may be taken to be the definition of the cosine of the angle between two vectors cannot exceed 1 in absolute value. Cauchy's result is applicable as soon as one observes that by the triangle inequality ( )

P(t) <= (|A0| + |A1||W| + ... + |AN-1||WN-1|)2.

The result is then just P(t) <= S, with equality clearly holding if all the A's are chosen equal.

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Hints/TipsHintsRichard2006-10-07 20:16:51
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