Do there exist three integers in Arithmetic Progression whose product is prime ?
If Yes, then what are the three integers and if No, then why ?
[Note: The numbers: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6,........ are said to be in Arithmetic Progression if (x2 - x1) = (x3 - x2) = (x4 - x3) = (x5 - x4) = ........ and so on].
We know that the numbers: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6,........ are said to be in Arithmetic Progression if (x2 - x1) = (x3 - x2) = (x4 - x3) = (x5 - x4) = ........ and so on.
So, if the product of three numbers in Arithmetic Progression is a prime, then it is obvious that two of the numbers have to be (-1) and (+1) and the third number has to be negative and at the same time must satisfy the condition that the three numbers are in Arithmetic Progresion.
Thus we can now easily find out that the third number is none other than (-3) and the product of these three integers: (-3), (-1) and (1) is a prime whose value is 3.
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