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Double Derangement Anagrams (Posted on 2007-12-05) |
Many words have two or more anagrams, like 'tame' has anagrams of 'mate' and 'meat'.
The pair 'tame' and 'meat' are not only anagrams but are derangements of each other as well, having no letter occur in the same spot in both words.
Can you find a set of three words which are all derangements of each other?
Submitted by Brian Smith
Rating: 4.0000 (1 votes)
The first set of three words I came up with were: 'tales', 'least', and 'steal'.
Several people came up with three letter words: 'eat', 'ate', and 'tea'.
Penny found some ten letter solutions here.
Charlie wrote a program to parse a dictionary file and came up with a lot more here.
At the end of Charlie's post, he notes a single occurance of a set of four derangement anagrams:
'estop', 'pesto', 'stope', and 'topes'. |
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