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Two Triangles Divided (Posted on 2007-12-16) Difficulty: 3 of 5
There are two triangles ABC, and A'B'C'. The bases are AB and A'B'.

Triangle ABC has an altitude drawn from C to AB, meeting the base at point P. This altitude divides the triangle into two unequal right triangles.

Triangle A'B'C' also has a point, P' on its base, with a line segment connecting it to vertex C', but chosen so that angle A'P'C' is 60°, with the resulting triangle A'P'C' though, not being equilateral.

All eight line segments are of integer length, and each triangle has a perimeter less than 50. The bases, AB and A'B', are the longest sides in each of the two respective original triangles, and they differ by 1 unit in length.

  • What are the dimensions of the triangles ABC and A'B'C'?
  • What are the lengths of CP and C'P'?

  Submitted by Charlie    
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Only one set of dimensions works for triangle ABC:
   base     AC      BC      CP      AP     perimeter
    21      10      17       8       6      48

So the dimensions of ABC are: base 21, sides 10 and 17.

Several work for A'B'C':
    11       7       7       5       8      25
    13       7       7       3       8      27
    22      13      13       8      15      48
    23      13      13       7      15      49

but in only one instance does the base differ from 21 by 1 unit, in bold above. So the dimensions of A'B'C' are: base 22, sides both 13.

CP and C'P' are each 8 units long.

FOR peri = 4 TO 49
 FOR bse = 1 TO -INT(-peri / 2) - 1
   remain = peri - bse
   low = -INT(-(remain - bse) / 2)
   FOR s1 = low TO remain / 2
    s2 = remain - s1
    cA = (s1 * s1 + bse * bse - s2 * s2) / (2 * s1 * bse)
    sA = SQR(1 - cA * cA)
    bdiv = cA * s1
    ibdiv = INT(bdiv + .5)
    IF ABS(bdiv - ibdiv) < 1E-08 AND s1 <> s2 THEN
      alt = sA * s1
      ialt = INT(alt + .5)
      IF ABS(alt - ialt) < 1E-08 AND ialt > 0 AND s1 <= bse AND s2 <= bse THEN
        PRINT USING \\"########\\"; bse; s1; s2; ialt; ibdiv; peri
      END IF
    END IF


FOR peri = 4 TO 49
 FOR bse = 1 TO -INT(-peri / 2) - 1
   remain = peri - bse
   low = -INT(-(remain - bse) / 2)
   FOR s1 = low TO remain / 2
    s2 = remain - s1
    cA = (s1 * s1 + bse * bse - s2 * s2) / (2 * s1 * bse)
    sA = SQR(1 - cA * cA)
    FOR bdiv = 1 TO bse - 1
     sidea = SQR(s1 * s1 + bdiv * bdiv - 2 * s1 * bdiv * cA)
     isidea = INT(sidea + .5)
     IF ABS(sidea - isidea) < 1E-08 AND s1 <= bse AND s2 <= bse THEN
      sP = sA * s1 / sidea
      IF ABS(sP - SQR(3) / 2) < 1E-08 AND bdiv > cA * s1 THEN
       IF ABS(sA - SQR(3) / 2) > 1E-08 THEN
        PRINT USING "########"; bse; s1; s2; isidea; bdiv; peri
       END IF
      END IF
     END IF

From Enigma No. 1467 by Richard England, New Scientist, 3 November 2007

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  Subject Author Date
Solutionre: Answer (Solution)DJ2007-12-17 21:45:11
SolutionSolutionDej Mar2007-12-17 21:03:37
SolutionAnswerDJ2007-12-17 17:30:26
Partial SolutionPraneeth2007-12-17 01:43:57
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