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Gyro-Lattice 1 - Arrows (Posted on 2008-05-17) Difficulty: 2 of 5
Consider the 4 framed "gyroscopic" lattice in the top diagram along with its description to be a visual abstraction of something that could be embedded in an electronic device (like a graphics calculator).

Assume that each rotation can be programmed with a function having a forward or backward value, and that the effect of such an operation can be monitored on its central panel.
The axial rotations available are:

- [V] vertical [red]
- [H] horizontal [magenta]
- [R] right-down diagonal [green]
- [L] left-down diagonal [salmon]

The smallest squares are the axial pivots.
Let these general functions be incorporated into an "x*y" array of LEDs.

On this occasion each LED is programmed to represent the axial reflection of its currently held image after being "flipped" ... but then ... the image is rotated 45° clockwise immediately.

The numeral "2" has been 'scrambled' by the device in a 4*7 display at the left.

What set of operations, per individual cell, is needed to produce the outcome at the right?
The arrows are to represent the direction of writing the digit.

For cell A2, "[L]" would produce the desired end result. The rotation would face the image upwards and then a 45° clockwise rotation would occur.

  Submitted by brianjn    
Rating: 4.0000 (1 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Beginning at A2 and tracing the path as you would write the "2", the operations are:
L R L V R H L H H L L R R R.

In a couple of cases to initiate the 45 degree rotation (C1 and C7) rotation with the arrow resting along the axis of rotation is needed.

This is Dej Mar's amended solution which is much tidier than what I have offered above, but I'll leave it in case someone follows my reasoning.

[V] B1, D2, B7
[H] D4, B4, A5, A6, D7
[R] C1, D3, C7
[L] A2, C4, A7

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
re(3): Solution (I hope I got the pivoting correct]brianjn2008-05-18 00:48:36
re(2): Solution (I hope I got the pivoting correct]Dej Mar2008-05-18 00:32:04
re: Solution (I hope I got the pivoting correct]brianjn2008-05-17 11:50:22
re: Solution (I hope I got the pivoting correct]brianjn2008-05-17 11:26:59
SolutionSolution (I hope I got the pivoting correct]Dej Mar2008-05-17 10:59:46
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