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Literal Overlap (Posted on 2008-06-24) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Three 3 x 3 grids overlap by one cell, as in the image.

Each grid is to have 3 words by reading from left to right, and 3 by reading down.

Find a solution, using the starter letters, where all words are unique to the layout, and all are in general common (but not necessarily frequent) English usage.


As more than one solution is possible, you might like to consider that the letters A to Z have respective values of 1 to 26, and my solution has a sum value of 279. Can you top that?

But then you might like to be challenged by this frequency chart modified to a point value:
     A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 
     3 20 12 10  1 16 17  8  5 23 22 11 14
     N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
     6  4 19 25  9  7  2 13 21 15 24 18 26
My score for the same solution is 158 which is just 1 better than when an "O" replaces an "A".

In both cases all letters are to be counted just once, or rather, each location; yes, the starters too.

  Submitted by brianjn    
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Solution: (Hide)
I offer this as a solution but note that there will be minor deviations from it, eg SAW instead of SOW.


The letter "K" is probably the best place to begin. Firstly, it can be preceded by A, L, N, R or S. It can be followed by E or I.

These letters therefore set the parameters for the rest of the problem.

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  Subject Author Date
Some ThoughtsPuzzle ThoughtsK Sengupta2023-03-30 21:29:45
Solutionre: a solutionDej Mar2008-06-30 04:43:55
re: No Calculations madeCharlie2008-06-29 12:01:49
No Calculations madebrianjn2008-06-29 04:52:37
re: Have I interpreted this wrongly?brianjn2008-06-29 04:46:56
re: Have I interpreted this wrongly?Dej Mar2008-06-28 02:03:15
QuestionHave I interpreted this wrongly?cyclothymic2008-06-27 14:15:22
Solutiona solutionDej Mar2008-06-24 21:06:34
Solutiona solutionCharlie2008-06-24 19:19:51
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