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Tom and Harry Run to School (Posted on 2009-05-20) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Tom and his brother Harry had a foot race from their home to school, which was an integral number of yards away. Harry ran faster than Tom, but less than twice as fast, and arrived at the school when Tom was still a 2-digit integer of yards behind.

The next day they ran the race again, but this time Harry started farther away from the school by the same amount as the winning margin the previous day, while Tom still started the same time as Harry, but again from home. Of course, since Harry still runs faster, the same ratio as the day before, he finished the difference in distances in less time than it would have taken Tom, but this time the gap at the end was reduced so that when Harry reached school, the amount by which Tom was behind had the two digits reversed from the preceding day.

How far was it from their home to school, and what was their gap at the end of each run when Harry arrived at school?

  Submitted by Charlie    
Rating: 4.0000 (2 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
The distance between home and school was 192 yards. Tom was 72 yards short of school the first day when Harry had finished the run, indicating Tom was only 5/8 as fast as Harry. The second day, with the 72-yard handicap, Harry beat Tom by only 27 yards.

   10   for D=20 to 1000
   20   RestMax=int(D/2)
   30   if RestMax=D/2 then RestMax=RestMax-1
   40   if RestMax>99 then RestMax=99
   50   for Rest=10 to RestMax
   60      RVel=(D-Rest)//D
   70      NewRest=D-(D+Rest)*RVel
   80      if NewRest=int(NewRest) and NewRest>10 and NewRest<100 then
   90        :Rev1=Rest\10+10*(Rest@10)
  100        :if Rev1=NewRest then print D;Rest,RVel,NewRest
  110   next Rest
  120   next D
 192  72         5//8    27

Based on Enigma No. 1534, "Head start", by Susan Denham, New Scientist, 
28 February 2009, page 24.				

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