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4-Letter Words (Posted on 2009-08-09) Difficulty: 3 of 5
I've just joined the YMCA and bought a lock to put on a locker. I bought one where you can choose your own combination. It has four rings surrounding the cylinder: the four inner rings have four dots that, when lined up, indicate the lock is in the open position. The lock came with eight outer rings from which the user can choose four to cover the inner rings, choosing one of ten characters on each ring to be over the red dot on the inner ring that it covers, thereby forming the combination.

I chose to use the four numeric rings (digits 0 - 9), but an interesting puzzle can be made from the rings having alphabetic characters.

The first ring has the letters A - J; call this type 1 ring. The second and third rings each have the letters K - T; call these type 2 rings. The fourth ring has letters U - Z and four special symbols. We'll ignore the ampersand, hyphen, blank and exclamation mark, but you might wish to explore such things as L&ER, for "lander" on your own.

Although foolish from a security standpoint, the use of a real word has mnemonic value. The foolishness is especially true as the specific hard-and-fast choice of the sequence of types, which can't be altered by someone merely opening the lock, limits the possible words that might be the key. For example if the sequence of types fixed onto the rings was 3221, few common words would be possible, like ULNA, VOLE, VOTE, WOKE, WOLF, WOMB, WOOD, WOOF, WORD, WORE, YOKE, YORE and ZONE. A potential thief could go through these quickly.

So categorize, by the sequence of type of ring, the possible 4-letter words that might be chosen as the unlocking key, given that there are one each of types 1 and 3, and two of type 2.

There are no tricks like treating W and M interchangeably, as, first of all, one is not really the upside-down of the other, and second, the one being used would be given away by the fact that all the other letters would be upside-down also.

  Submitted by Charlie    
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The below list includes not-so-common words; you be the judge of which ones are common. Two of the words are considered not only common but vulgar and have been ****'d out.

alky ally alow army arty blow bony brow cloy coly cony copy cory cosy crow dopy
dory doty elmy enow espy flow frow glow gory grow holy homy illy immy inky inly

alum amus amyl anus arum arvo aryl blur bout bowl bows boyo boys bozo brut coup
cowl cows coys crus doum dour down dows drum drys emus flus foul four fowl foys
glum glut gnus gout gowk gown goys grum hour howk howl hows hoys jouk jowl jows

auks aunt auto avos awls awns awol axon azon bulk bull bump bums bunk bunn buns
bunt burl burn burp burr burs busk buss bust buts butt byrl cull culm cult ****
cups curl curn curr curs curt cusk cusp cuss cuts cwms cyst dull dump dunk duns
dunt duos dups durn duro durr dusk dust euro exon expo full funk funs furl furs
fuss gull gulp guls gums gunk guns gust guts gyms gyps gyro hulk hull hump hums
hunk huns hunt hurl hurt husk huts hymn hypo hyps jump junk just juts

laky leku lily limy liny litu many menu meou meow minx miry mity nary oily paly
paty pily piny pipy pity rely rimy ritz scow scry show thou thru tiny

kayo kays keys lavs lawn laws lays levo leys maul maun maut mawn maws mayo mays
mewl mews mixt nays neuk neum news newt next odyl pawl pawn paws pays pews phut
raws rays revs rhus saul sawn saws says scum scup scut sewn sews sext shul shun
shut taus taut tavs taws tews text thus

knew logy okay oldy orby orgy play plew pogy prau pray prex prey prez skew slaw
slay slew smew snaw spay spaz spew spiv staw stay stew stey toby tody tofu tray

loud love lowe moue move moxa nova ooze plug pouf roue rove skua slub slue slug
smug snub snug snye soya spud spue stub stud stye true trug

kudo kues kvas kyak kyar kyat luck lues lugs lyes muck muds mugs nubs ouds oval
oven over owes oxen oxes oxim oyer oyes pubs puck puds pugs pyas pyes pyin quin
quip quit rubs ruck ruer rues rugs ruin ryas ryes subs suck suds suer sues suet
suit swam swan swap swat swim sybo tubs tuck tuft tugs tuis twas **** twin twit
tyer tyes tyin tzar

kuna kune kyte luna lune lung lure lush lute lyre lyse mule muni mura mure muse
mush mute myna myth nuke numb nurd ouph owse puke pula pule puli puma puna pung
pupa pure puri push pyre quod rule rune rung ruse rush ruth ryke rynd sung supe
sura surd sure surf swob syke syli sync syne syph tule tuna tune tung turd turf
tush tyke tyne type tyre

udos vamp vans vars vast vats vent vert vest veto vets vill vims vino viol virl
walk wall wans want waps wark warm warn warp wars wart wasp wast wats watt well
welt wens went wept wert west wets whom whop will wilt wimp wink wino wins wisp
wiss wist wits yaks yams yank yaps yarn yelk yell yelp yens yerk yett yill yins
yips yirr zaps zeks zerk zero zest zill zins zips zits

ukes ulan umbo unco undo unit upas updo urbs urds user uses utas voes woes wogs
wrap wren writ ylem yobs yock yods

ulna ursa vole vote woke wold wolf womb wood woof word wore yoke yond yoni yore
zone zori

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  Subject Author Date
re(3): Categories?Charlie2009-08-10 22:11:25
re(2): Categories?Dej Mar2009-08-10 17:07:14
re: Categories?Charlie2009-08-10 11:25:34
re: Categories?brianjn2009-08-10 06:06:51
Some ThoughtsCategories?Dej Mar2009-08-10 04:58:21
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