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As easy as pie (Posted on 2010-08-26) Difficulty: 2 of 5
About a week ago I have started to compile 4-word proverbs structured ABAC like "Another day, another dollar."
So far - so good - now I have quite an impressive list of over 20 proverbs, idiomatic sayings, catch phrases etc.

Please contribute whatever fits my definition- The more - the merrier!

Any language welcome as long as it is a proverb, tongue twister, idiom etc. of exactly four words with the third word being the same as the first one.
Easy come - easy go" is ok, "Good accounts make good friends" or "As snug as a bug " - not accepted.

Within a week from the date of this post, I will provide both the original and the enlarged lists.

  Submitted by Ady TZIDON    
Rating: 3.0000 (2 votes)
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Chose promise, chose due!
Since I am leaving for a week I publish now my primary list and some posts Of fellows-solvers, hoping to add later some proverbs I've collected meanwhile.

My original list:
Easy come easy go
No pain no gain
The more the merrier
The sooner the better
Like father like son
Like mother like daughter
Like priest like people
Like master like man
Like teacher like pupils
So far so good
Chose promise chose due
Aussitot dit aussitot fait
First come, first served
No wind no waves
All covet all loose
Harm watch harm catch
Ill gotten, ill spent
as easy as pie
Another day another dollar
vox populi, vox Dei: **
 Catch as catch can.
Time and time again
The sooner the better
Share and share alike
Buy you buy me
Garbage in -garbage out

Later I have discovered on the web : As XXX As YYY, French phrases, Latin phrases etc- Long lists to copy.

Added by Ed B.
Comme ci, comme ça
Autres temps, autres moeurs
j'y suis, j'y reste
o tempora! o mores
! sic volo, sic iubeo
male parta, male dilabuntur
Lex malla, lex nulla
Lectio brevior, lectio potior   (even here? even now?)
sic volo, sic iubeo
male parta, male dilabuntur
Lex malla, lex nullav Lectio brevior, lectio potior   (even here? even now?)
First come, First served
va poco a poco
per undas, per agros  (Cambridge)
nothing ventured, nothing gained
same old same old
Come Seven, Come Eleven
> day in, day out
Year in, year out
don't ask, don't tell
vielleicht ja, vielleicht nein
Added by Steve H.
Never say never again!
Pasted from
No harm, no foul
Pasted from
A dime a dozen Pasted from

Added by Dej M.
another day, another dollar another day, another deadline another decade, another squabble
as dull as ditchwater as good as goldas happy as Larry as ugly as sin
bad bird, bad egg bad egg, bad chick bad head, bad heart bad hen, bad egg
big walks, big lies
catch as catch can
claw me, claw thee early ripe, early rotten easy come, easy go DUPLICATE ever drunk, ever dry first come, first served DUPLICATE free man, free goods free ships, free goods garbage in, garbage out DUPLICATE good tree, good fruit good tree, good fruits great talker, great liar great wealth, great care hackney mistress, hackney maid half figs, half raisins harm watch, harm catch hot sup, hot swallow ill begun, ill done ill got, ill spent light come, light go like father, like son DUPLICATE like lips, like lettuce like master, like dog like master, like man like mistress, like maid like mother, like daughter like pot, like cover like priest, like church like priest, like people like prince, like people like saint like incense like saint like offering little beard, little modesty little bird, little nest lovely women, lovely quarrels many haws, many snows many heads, many minds many men, many minds many women, many words monkey see, monkey do more days, more dollars much coin, much care much meat, much disease much meat, much maladies much money, much friends much talking, much erring much taste, much waste much worship, much cost new day, new destiny new doctor, new churchyard new laws, new roguery new lords, new laws new times, new habits no bees, no honey no cross, no crown no cure, no pay no harm, no foul no jealousy, no love no labour, no oilcakes no means, no market no mill, no meal no money, no honey no money, no justice no money, no Swiss no names, no pack-drill no pain, no gain no pains, no gains DUPLICATE no penny, no paternoster no sleep, no dream no song, no supper nothing venture, nothing gain nothing venture, nothing have nothing ventured, nothing gained DUPLICATE nothing ventured, nothing have no wind, no waves no work, no cake one man, one vote other days, other ways other times, other counsels other times, other folk other times, other manners other towns, other lasses so got, so gone soon fire, soon ashes soon found, soon lost soon grass, soon hay soon learned, soon forgotten soon learnt, soon forgotten soon ripe, soon rotten soon wise, soon foolish the faster, the slower the more the merrier DUPLICATE three brothers, three castles three brothers, three fortresses too little, too late DUPLICATE warm food, warm friendships without debt without care without knowledge, without sin without learning, without eyes assez parens assez tourmens (French: "many kinsmen, much trouble") telle racine telle fueille (French: "as is the root, so is the fruit") ein Mann, ein Wort (German: "one man, one word") nicht Fisch, nicht Fleisch (German: "neither fish nor fowl") ca' me, ca' thee (Scottish: "call me, call thee") pelo canoso, pelo blanco (Spanish: "grey hair, white hair") frende er frende verst (Norwegian: "kinsman is kinsman worst") kreyol pale, kreyol comprann (Haitian: "creole Spoke is creole understood") kreyol pale, kreyol komprann (Haitian: "speak plainly, don't try to deceive") sposa bagnata, sposa fortunate (Italian: "spouse bathed, spouse fortunate") aut disce aut discede (Latin: "either learn or leave") aut homo aut nullus (Latin: "either a man or none") aut pax, aut bellum (Latin: "either peace or war") aut tace, aut face (Latin: "either be silent, or act") cor ad cor loquitur (Latin: "heart speaks to heart") et loquor et taceo (Latin: "I both speak and hold my tongue") et manu et corde (Latin: "both hand and heart") et marte, et arte (Latin: "both by strength and art") et patribus et posteritati (Latin: "both for forefathers and posterity") et suavis et fortis (Latin: "pleasant and brave") et vi et virtue (Latin: both by strength and valor") lex malla, lex nulla (Latin: "a bad law is no law") male parta male dilabuntur (Latin: "what has been wrongly gained is wrongly lost") O tempora, O mores! (Latin: "Oh the times! Oh the morals!") DUPLICATE per mare per terras (Latin: "by lands and by sea") sic volo, sic iubeo (Latin: "I want this, I order this") vox populi, vox Dei (Latin: "the voice of the people is the voice of God")DUPLICATE

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
feels goodLarry2010-09-28 20:08:02
re(2): No problems yetSteve Herman2010-09-06 13:42:17
Some Thoughtsre: No problems yetAdy TZIDON2010-09-02 18:07:10
No problems yetSteve Herman2010-09-02 00:36:48
Comme Ci, Comme Çahoodat2010-09-01 19:59:07
week in week outed bottemiller2010-09-01 11:31:49
lazy fares?ed bottemiller2010-08-31 17:53:31
Very cheap or commonSteve Herman2010-08-26 20:03:17
a listDej Mar2010-08-26 16:49:53
a propos the proposaled bottemiller2010-08-26 16:34:28
Try, try, try agained bottemiller2010-08-26 14:49:26
First in, First outed bottemiller2010-08-26 14:10:32
Star light! Star bright!ed bottemiller2010-08-26 13:17:02
The root of all errorsSteve Herman2010-08-26 12:40:16
Do no evilSteve Herman2010-08-26 12:35:02
Not again!Steve Herman2010-08-26 12:33:34
I say! I never!ed bottemiller2010-08-26 12:17:19
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