Try to create the largest (most letters used) Double Word Square where
each letter in the square is distinct. All words used must be English words which are not strictly proper nouns (capitalized), interjections or slang. The words do not all need be common.
As more than one possibility can exist, score the word square of your submission as a sum of the values of each across word using the normal letter values of the English-language edition of Scrabble ® + 100*o, where o is the order of the word square*:
1 : A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T, U
2 : D, G
3 : B, C, M, P
4 : F, H, V, W, Y
5 : K
8 : J, X
10: Q, Z
* A word square of order 3 is a square 3x3, a word square of order 4 is a square 4x4, etc.