I have a number machine.
I say x gives y if when x goes in, y comes out.
For any numbers x and y, by "xy" I mean x followed by y.
Here are my two rules.
1x gives x.
For example, 13 gives 3.
If x gives y, then 2x gives yy.
For example, 213 gives 33 since 13 gives 3.
We first need to find a number i such that for any number x,ix gives xx,so ii will give ii,which is itself.
Well,21 is such an i because for every number x,1x gives x,and so 21x gives xx.
Therefore,2121 gives itself.
We double check:By my first rule,121 gives 21,and so by my second rule,2121 gives 2121,which is itself.
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