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Draw a Line to Partition the Grid (Posted on 2016-04-25) Difficulty: 2 of 5
Draw a line following the grid lines conforming the the following rules:
1 - The line starts from S and ends at F.
2 - The line does not cross or overlap itself at any point.
3 - The line divides the grid into regions each with exactly two As and two Bs.
| A | B | A |   | B |
|   | B |   |   | B |
| A |   | B |   | A |
| A | A |   | A | B |
| B |   | B |   | A |
An example of a solved grid:
+   +   +---F
  B   A | A  
+---+---+   +
| B          
S   +   +   +

No Solution Yet Submitted by Brian Smith    
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Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
re(4): Strangearmando2016-04-29 14:44:01
re(3): StrangeCharlie2016-04-29 12:52:15
re(2): Strangearmando2016-04-29 11:20:54
re: StrangeCharlie2016-04-29 07:55:06
Strangearmando2016-04-28 15:27:28
re: Solution?Charlie2016-04-26 11:42:47
SolutionSolution?tomarken2016-04-26 11:00:19
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