C A N M I T E RI am trying to list all possible English words, over 2 letters, obeying these rules: Start with any letter in either row.
Scan from left to right, adding selected letters on your way from either row.
While moving up or down the 1st letter in the newly chosen row may be added or skipped.
No plurals, no proper names, no acronyms.
In the above example the following words inter alia would make the list:
Can, cam, car, cat, cater, cite, ice, item, ten and others; came, ant, mite would not (the sample was given to illustrate what is admissible).
Now – your task:
Create 2 subsets of English ABC, ot necessarily disjoint, each of 13 distinct letters of your choice and arrange them
in 2 rows – order set by you, striving to create the longest possible list of admissible words
3 to 10 letters long.
The longest list submitted within 30 days of publication W I N S !
Fair disclosure: the author has no idea what's the best choice of letters nor the length of the final list.