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Double Cross 3 (Posted on 2022-03-25) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Consider a simple crossword puzzle formed of four 5-letter words, joined at the corners by their initial and final letters.

Given the following clues:

1. Argus, for one.
3. Gain is a synonym of ___.

1. Goat-antelope found in the Himalayas.
2. Another name for British Grey Mullet, prevalent in New Zealand.

| 1 |   |   |   | 2 | 
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+---+           +---+
|   |           |   |
+---+           +---+
|   |           |   |
| 3 |   |   |   |   |

Consider a crossword puzzle formed of four 8-letter words, joined at the corners by their initial and final letters.

Given the following clues:

1. Name of a Roman Catholic Saint who lived during 3rd Century C.E. or, a lunar impact crater.
3. Anagram of Megadyne.

1. Semi-esoteric word meaning dawdle, waste time.
2. Archaic word meaning gear, equipment.

| 1 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 2 |
|   |                       |   |
+---+                       +---+
|   |                       |   |
+---+                       +---+
|   |                       |   | 
+---+                       +---+
|   |                       |   |
+---+                       +---+
|   |                       |   |
+---+                       +---+
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| 3 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (1 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
The solution to (A) is as follows:
| G | R | E | E | K |
| O |           | A |
+---+           +---+
| R |           | N |
+---+           +---+
| A |           | A |
| L | U | C | R | E |

The solution to (B) is as follows:
| L | A | W | R | E | N | C | E |
| O |                       | Q |
+---+                       +---+
| L |                       | U |
+---+                       +---+
| L |                       | I |
+---+                       +---+
| Y |                       | P |
+---+                       +---+
| G |                       | A |
+---+                       +---+
| A |                       | G |
| G | A | N | Y | M | E | D | E |

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